"Two Wings Spread" presents the first English translation of three essential texts by Jigten Sumgön (1143–1217), the founder of the Drikung Kagyu tradition. Formulated as replies to teaching requests posed by his students, these texts contain Jigten Sumgön’s explanations of the essential elements of the Buddhist path – from taking refuge in the Three Jewels to the highest attainment of perfect awakening. Based on the Buddha’s words, the teachings of his master Phagmodrupa, and his personal experience, Jigten Sumgön selects the most salient points of each topic, warns against common pitfalls, and thereby offers his readers guidance on the unmistaken path to buddhahood.
- Herausgeber : Garchen Stiftung; 1. Edition (16. Dezember 2021)
- Language : Englisch
- Pages : 80 Seiten
- ISBN-10 : 3945457475
- ISBN-13 : 978-3945457474