Serie of 8 Books:
1. The Secret Revelations of Chittamani Tara
2. The Source of Supreme Bliss: Heruka Chakrasamvara Five Deity Practice and Commentary
3. The Roar of Thunder: Yamantaka Practice and Commentary
4. The Chakrasamvara Root Tantra: The Speech of Glorious Heruka
5. The Essence of the Vast and Profound: A Commentary on Je Tsongkhapa's Middle-Length Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
6. Manjushri's Innermost Secret: A Profound Commentary of Oral Instructions on the Practice of Lama Chöpa
7. THE EXTREMELY SECRET DAKINI OF NAROPA (The print edition of this book is out of stock)
8. The Blazing Inner Fire of Bliss and Emptiness
Wisdom Publications
199 Elm Street
Somerville, MA USA