The Buddhist symbols, the eight auspicious signs, are very meaningful religious symbols of Buddhism that reveal our progress on the Buddhist path to enlightenment.
material: 100% cotton
Dimensions cm 25x21x205
The jeweled parasol or honorary umbrella / sacred umbrella represents the protection of living beings from harmful influences, disease; he represents the conopeum or heavenly tent and therefore the extensibility and development of the universe and the aither; it represents extensibility, development and protection quality of the Sahasrara; under the auspices of the precious umbrella, all take refuge (Buddhism) in the Dharma. The two goldfish that represent the status of fearless floating / being lifted up in a harmless ocean of samsara often allude metaphorically to the Buddha's eyes or the Rigpa face; They symbolize the happiness of all living beings in a state of fearlessness, without running the risk of drowning in samsara (ocean of suffering) and wander freely and spontaneously from place to place and from instruction to instruction just as fish swim freely and without fear through the water . The 'treasure vase' or 'urn of wisdom' represents health, longevity, prosperity, abundance, wisdom and the phenomenon of space, with 'space' being a special meaning of the element of the four elements and the five pure lights. 'Space' is that elementary matrix that encompasses, contains and directs all phenomena. 'Space' is the repository and connecting element of everything that is manifest, embodied or incarnated. The holy lotus, which symbolizes the "original purity" of body, speech and spirit, swims over the muddy waters of clinging to the ephemeral and desire; it represents the full bloom of healthy deeds in blissful liberation. The right-turning white snail shell, which represents the beautiful, deep, melodious, penetrating and omnipresent sound of Buddhadharma, which awakens the disciples from their deep slumber of ignorance and urges them to achieve their own well-being and that of others. Endless knot or eternal knot: the symbol of luck shows the emblem for love through a curly loop. Furthermore, it represents the interweaving of wisdom and passion, the interdependence of religious doctrine and secular affairs, the unity of wisdom and method, the inseparability of emptiness and pratītya-samutpāda, and the unity of wisdom and passion in enlightenment. Banner or Flag: Within the Tibetan tradition, there is a list of eleven different forms of the victory banner that represent eleven specific methods of overcoming defilements. Many variations in the design of the Dhvajas can be seen on the roofs of Tibetan monasteries, symbolizing the Buddha's victory over the four maras. The Wheel of Law or Dharmachakra In most depictions, the Wheel of Doctrine has eight spokes, symbols of the eightfold noble path to liberation. The symbolism of this lucky symbol corresponds to the wheel of a chariot with which the enemies are defeated. Because the unity of ethics, concentration and wisdom are the “weapons” with which the actual opponents, one's own deluded actions and mental plagues are defeated. Where these eight signs of good fortune are present, the virtue of bliss will increase.
Fachbuchhandlung Tsongkang
Mainzer Str. 57a
66121 Saarbrücken