Magnificent singing bowl with engraved Om Mani Pad Me Hum. It has a pure sound with lots of overtones. Both the outside and the inside are richly decorated.
The bowls are made manually in Nepal. Each bowl is unique.
Hand-beaten singing bowls
The production of a hammered or hand-beaten singing bowl is an extensive and manual process. Every single singing bowl is carefully hand-driven. To shape and finish a completed hand-beaten singing bowl, several work steps are required in order to obtain the correct shape and a pure tone.
First, the various raw metals (copper, tin, zinc, lead, iron, gold and silver) are melted in a melting furnace. The composition of the raw metals depends on which singing bowl is to be made (e.g. bronze made of copper and tin or a mixture of the seven different metals). The molten metal is poured to form a metal trough for the various sizes and weights.
Then the round metal molds are cut into round slices of the required size and thickness.
After exact measurement and division into weight and size, the targets are hand-struck or hand-driven.
In the further process, four to five metal disks are stacked on top of each other and then heated to red hot. The glowing metal discs are beaten by several excellent artisans until the metal is no longer red-hot. The metal disks are then reheated. This heating and beating process is continued until the desired size and shape is achieved. Hand-beaten singing bowls are therefore individual and - viewed proportionally - different in size and diameter. The metal can only be processed red-hot because it is then soft and malleable. When the metal cools down, it loses its suppleness and flexibility and becomes brittle, making the singing bowl unusable. The reason for this intensive work process is that the metal content (bronze or the mixture of seven metals) is very sensitive to heat. It becomes harder as soon as the temperature drops and then breaks and cracks.
After completing the molding, the individual work begins. Now each singing bowl is brought into its own unique shape and this time, too, this happens through a heating process until the metal is red-hot, with subsequent beating. Then the singing bowl is beaten for fine tuning. Finally, the singing bowls are smoothed and cleaned inside and out and possibly chiseled for a finishing touch.
Please choose 3 types
With singing bowl mallets and coaster
Dimensions approx. 12, 15 or 18 cm
Weight approx. 400-550, 550-700 or approx. 950-1050g
Material: metal mixture (Cu, Zn, Sn, Ag, Ni, Cd, Ru, Pd, Pt, Cr, Mn).
Hauptsitz Mani Bhadra B.V. - Phoenix Import
De Vesting 14
7722 GA Dalfsen