A mala originally is a hinduistic and buddhist tool for prayer and meditation. It is used to count mantras during meditation. A mantra is a collection of words, often from Sanskrit, which is repeated several - traditionally 108 - times. While repeating, you focus on the meaning and vibration of the words, possibly combined with the accompanying visualisation. By training in a meditation practice like this, your thoughts come to rest and your body relaxes. Nowadays, a mala is also worn as a fashion accessory.
Why 108?
Malas have 108 beads because this number has great scientific significance in the Hindu and buddhist traditions. The circumference of the sun times 108 is the distance between the sun and the Earth and the same is true for the moon and Earth. Also, there are 108 nadis or energy channels in the body. There are 54 sanskrit letters- both masculine and feminine, totaling 108. There are 108 Puranas and 108 Upanishads. The list goes on and on!! So that same sacred number is used in malas.
Material: shell
Size: 8mm
Hauptsitz Mani Bhadra B.V. - Phoenix Import
De Vesting 14
7722 GA Dalfsen