8.5”x11” Printed on Recycled Paper
Spiral Bound with a Clear Protective Cover
42 pages
According to tradition, the instructions contained in this translation were originally transmitted by Shri Simha to Padmasambhava in India. These are a summary of techniques found in the eighteenth pith instruction dzogchen tantra called the Heart Blood of All the Dakinis: The Secret Tantra of the Blazing Sun of the Luminous Expanse, which was the basis of the famous Khandro Nyingthig. These instructions were hidden by Padmasambhava and revealed by two different treasure discoverers, Padma Lingpa (1450-1521) and Rinchen Phüntshog (1509-1557). While not unheard of, treasure teachings that were discovered by two different treasure discoverers is rather unique. Both versions are very similar at times, and yet contain a few key differences in the presentation of these teachings. Rinchen Phüntshog’s version is the basis of this translation, but notes are included on the additional details contained in Padma Lingpa’s rendition. The Tibetan is also included for both versions.
The text begins with the tantra of three lines, a general commentary on such material, supporting quotes from a vast variety of Buddhist scriptures and tantras, and then the text presents a wide spectrum of methods and meditations that with the guidance of a qualified teacher we can utilize to see how Buddhahood is hidden in our body, the vision of reality that we outwardly see, our senses, and the underlying infinite potential of the energy of awareness that transcends life and death. These pointing out instructions use a wide variety of techniques and supportive materials including: crystals, mirrors, sunlight, reflections in water, rivers, blowing dust, gazing at vajra-chains, pictures of peacock feathers, meditating on the sounds of reality, contemplations of five-colored luminosity hidden in our heart centers, sound, light, rays, and the arising of the appearances of the varieties of the peaceful and wrathful Buddhas. Such pointing out instructions are key supports to realizing the Buddha within us and are designed to enhance our understanding of the Dzogchen Nyingthig practices of Trechö (Cutting Through) and Thögal (Direct Transcendence).