The Light of Wisdom Vol. I:
contains the root terma ---hidden treasure text --- of Padmasambhava, The Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence and its commentary The Light of Wisdom by Jamgon Kongtrul the Great. Annotations on the commentary Entering the Path of Wisdom spoken by Jamyang Drakpa and recorded by Jokyab Rinpoche are included as well as clarifications from other masters.
Volume I presents in-depth explanations of the Vajrajana Buddhist perspective. It begins with the nature of the ground, the buddha nature present in all beings, continues with the teachings that are common to all vehicles, and concludes with the Mahayana and the link to Vajrayana.
This essence of the causal and resultant vehicles,
Especially the core of the realization the three sections of the inner tantras,
Linking together the ground with the path,
Makes you abandon the temporary defilements along with their tendencies,
Realize fruition and quickly accomplish the welfare of self and others,
In this way it is in conformity with each yet exalted above them all.
The root text of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, a terma revealed by the great treasure- finder Chokgyur Lingpa, and its commentary by Kongtrul Rinpoche, the great translator in person, form together a complete scripture that embodies all the tantras, statements and instructions of the Nyingma School of the early translations, which is most rare to find in the past, present, or future.
-Kyabje Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche
The Light of Wisdom, Vol. II:
Padmasambhava, the Indian mystic and tantric Buddhist master, is second only to Buddha Shakyamuni as the most famous personage in the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. In the ninth century, he made the journey across the Himalayan Mountains to establish Buddhism for the people in that country. He also concealed timeless instructions and practices to benefit future generations. The volume presents in-depth explanations of the Tibetan Buddhist perspective. The Light of Wisdom, Vol. II will be of special interest to students of Buddhism for its clear overview from a Vajrayana perspective of teachings particular to Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism. Included is an extensive commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, one of the most prominent Buddhist masters of nineteenth-century Tibet.
The Light of Wisdom, Volume III:
Teachings on the Secret Empowerment, is once again a compilation of three texts: (1) Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo (The Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence), a terma root text recorded by Yeshe Tsogyal and revealed in unison by Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo; (2) The Light of Wisdom, a commentary on the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo by Jamgon Kongtrul the Great; (3) Entering the Path of Wisdom, notes on these teachings collected by Jokyab Rinpoche. These teachings on tsa lung practice, channels, wind-energies, and essences (bindus) is kept secret like the name of the empowerment itself that authorizes the practitioner to engage in these trainings. After reviewing the material and discussing with one of my teachers, both of us fully aware of the constraints, I felt it best to share this volume with sincere Western practitioners who will need and benefit from these teachings.
The Light of Wisdom, the Conclusion:
presents detailed explanations of the activities of a Vajra Master and Buddhist practices to clear away hindrances on the path and enhance realization. The book is a combination of three texts:
The root text, The Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence is oral instructions of Padmasambhava, recorded by his chief female disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal. Padmasambhava established the Buddhist doctrine in Tibet during the eight century. He concealed teachings in the form of hidden treasures, to be revealed at an appropriate time in the future. The Light of Wisdom by Jamgön Kongtrül, one of the most prominent Buddhist masters of nineteenth-century Tibet, is an extensive commentary on this sacred scripture. Entering the Path of Wisdom consists of annotations on the commentary by Jamyang Drakpa, a student of Jamgön Kongtrül, dictated to Jokyab Rinpoche.
The root text of Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo, a terma revealed by the great treasure-finder Chokgyur Lingpa, and its commentary by Kongtrül Rinpoche, the great translator in person, form together a complete scripture that embodies all the tantras, statements and instructions of the Nyingma School of the early translations, which is most rare to find in the past, present, or future.
I find it important that all Dharma practitioners study and reflect upon this book.
Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
It is correct that it will be quite difficult to practice the entire Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence, so you should use what is directly appropriate for your training. It is never said that you should practice an entire root text as Light of Wisdom contains the complete path for different kinds of individuals, both of Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. But since its title is the Wisdom Essence, it means that its ultimate practice is Dzogchen.
Kyabje Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche