Tibet is now open to anyone wishing to explore itsancient culture. This book, based on a nineteenth-century guide for Tibetan pilgrims by the renownedLama Jamyang Kyentse Wangpo, describes thelocation, site, relics and background to places ofmajor religious and historic significance. To compilethe guide, the author followed in Jamyang Kyentse’sfootsteps, visiting 150 temples, monasteries, sacredcaves, lakes and mountains. Some of these areeasily accessible to tourist groups; others have to bereached on foot – certain valleys written about herehad never previously been visited by a foreigner.There is full information about Lhasa and the routewest from Lhasa to the Nepal border – both populardestinations for the tourist – and descriptions ofseventeen pilgrimages within a 150 km radius ofLhasa. Photographs, maps and drawings help thevisitor to locate and identify what is to be seen.The Pilgrim’s Guide will inform the tourist in hisorganized perambulation of major monasteries;provide geographical and historical information forthe specialist; supply the trekker with route maps anddestinations; and also give the armchair traveller andstudent of Tibetan Buddhism the first detailed guideto Central Tibet ever published. It will be aninvaluable companion to the package tourist andpilgrim trekker alike.
345 pages
jyata Thamel
Amrit Marg