The five Dhyani buddhas represent the basic mandala in ourselves, our environment and in the cosmos. All deities belong to one of these
buddha families. Through their tantric practice negative energies and attitudes are transformed into enlightened wisdoms. The white father Vairocana transforms anger The blue father Aksobhya transforms ignorance and stupidity The yellow father Ratnasambhava transforms pride The red father Amitabha transforms passion The green father Amoghasiddhi transforms jealousy In the top centre sits Vajradhara, flanked by Gedun Drukpa, the first Dalai Lama (left) and his disciple Panchen Zangpo Tashi (right). In the bottom corner are two of the great stupas, on the left Budhgaya (India) and on the right Borobudur (Indonesia).
Andy Weber
1.Barn Garth
LA12 8AE Cumbria