There are many detailed records of torma, expressing its purposes, definitions, and representations. Different types of torma are found in various texts and Dharma practice manuals. An elaborate practice requires a separate characteristic torma for each individual deity of the three roots or Dharma protectors. The simplified method, more commonly practiced by the followers of the Nyingmapa and Kagyudpa traditions, uses a torma known as LHAGYA TORCHIK (a torma representing 100 different deities within a single torma)
This is why Guru Rinpoche has said, "It has both temporary and ultimate benefits. It achieves longevity without disease, increases wealth and prosperity, and increases all the good qualities you and your descendants possess. The temporary benefit is the fulfillment of all your desires without obstacles. The ultimate benefit is purifying obscurations, accumulating perfect merit, and attaining the unsurpassed stage of enlightenment." He also says, "All spiritual achievements can be achieved through torma. Both meritorious deeds and wisdom are enhanced through torma. For higher beings, he emphasized that "by making torma offerings, you can perfect your wisdom mind." And for lower beings, he advises, "you can increase your merit."
In short, there are so many purposes of torma which not only bring benefits in this life but also cause the attainment of enlightened wisdom mind. After hearing this, you can act accordingly, with full devotional faith and trust and motivate yourself to appropriate meritorious actions."
Material: cast copper and brass and torma is gold plated
Dimensions: 11.7 x 20 cm
1904 West Valley Blvd. Alahambra, CA 91803 USA