The Biography of Lapchiwa Namkha Gyaltsen, a Mind Emanation of Jetsün Milarepa And An Astounding Garland of Lights Which Open the Eyes of Faith A Verse Supplication to the Lord of Yogins
Lapchiwa Namkha Gyaltsen (1372–1437) was considered an incarnation, or at least emanation, of the Lord of Yogins, Jetsün Milarepa (1040–1123). However, for all the exemplary life that he led, he is virtually forgotten today, like other great masters. And if a very few remember him at all, it is mostly as a Drigung Kagyü master, even though he was an eminent lineage holder and practitioner of the Karma Kagyü, Shangpa Kagyü, Rechung Nyengyü, and Sakyapa teachings and practices as well. He cast away worldly entanglements and immersed himself fully in the practice of the Buddha-dharma, which eventually led him to achieve highest realizations and presumably liberation.
This biography was composed by Namkha Samdrub Gyaltsen (1408–1462), a close student of the Lapchiwa. Also included in this volume, you will find a wonderful supplication to Jetsün Milarepa, considered lost for a long time and also penned by Namkha Samdrub Gyaltsen.
With13 photos
ISBN 978-3-945457-06-1