A thorough guide to Vajrakīlaya, from a master of the Drigung Kagyu lineage.
In Kyabje Garchen Rinpoche’s first major collection of tantric teachings, he offers a complete manual for the visualization and supplication of the deity Vajrakīlaya. This ancient tantric practice centers on familiarizing oneself with the wrathful deity as a method for traversing the path to enlightenment. With clear instructions and insightful commentary, Garchen Rinpoche highlights the cultivation of bodhicitta at every stage of the path. This comprehensive guide to deity practice by one of the greatest living Tibetan meditation masters will support practitioners of all experiential levels in reuniting with their own awakened nature.
oftcover, 479 pages, Boulder 2022, new
Fachbuchhandlung Tsongkang
Mainzer Str. 57a
66121 Saarbrücken