The second booklet in our series is an instruction manual for drawing and painting Cittamani Tara and her 21 manifestations, one of the most popular practises among Tibetan Buddhists. Tara is the most important female Buddha and her images can be found in every monastery and temple throughout Central Asia.
Many Tibetans perform rituals and prayers to Tara for her blessing when moving house, launching a new business venture or before giving birth to a child. Such prayers bring Tara’s blessing to the mundane and worldly level.
The text explains the symbolism of Tara together with the meaning of her robes and ornaments, her miraculous origin and the meaning of her mantra. The prayers to Cittamani Tara and each of her 21 manifestations provide guidance for practitioners in how to avoid obstacles and health issues, attract wealth and find suitable partners, and eradicate poisons to the body and mind. Each Tara has a specific purpose in finding solutions to our many human problems.
The last chapter also includes the Five Line Prayer, which is a shortened version of the longer 21 prayer.
The booklet is suitable for beginners and advanced students alike, as it includes both a step-by-step instruction for drawing Tara and detailed explanations of her symbolism for those who wish to deepen their understanding of her iconography.
117 Pages with colour Picture