A Great Commentary on NAgarjuna´s Mulamadhyamakakarika
Lama Tsong Khapa is arguably the most important and influential philosopher in Tibetan history. An Ocean of Reasoning is the most extensive and perhaps the deepest extant commentary on Nagarjuna's Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way, or Mulamadhayamakakarika, and it can be argued that it is impossible to discuss Nagarjuna's work in an informed way without consulting it. It discusses alternative readings of the text and prior commentaries and provides a detailed exegesis, constituting a systematic presentation of Madhyamaka Buddhist philosophy. Despite its central importance, however, Tsong Khapa's Ocean of Reasoning has remained untranslated until now, perhaps because it is both philosophically and linguistically challenging. The resulting translation will not only be an important contribution to Buddhist scholarship, but also a companion volume to Jay Garfield's Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way.
"This book is essential reading for those who are seriously interested in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. The combination of a prominent Tibetan scholar and a Western philosopher yields an erudite but readable translation of one of the most important Tibetan works on Madhyamaka philosophy. The authors do a superb job of introducing the text and in rendering it into English in a way makes it accessible to readers with a background in Buddhist thought or Western philosophy." John Powers.
used very good. Just a stamp on the first page
Fachbuchhandlung Tsongkang
Mainzer Str. 57a
66121 Saarbrücken