Author(s) : Lama Chime Rinpoche
ISBN : 1615931163
EAN : 9781615931163
Duration : 70 mins
Produced By : Divine Arts
Published : 2012
Category : DVD: Buddhist
In this rare film appearance, the popular Kagyu Lama Chime Rinpoche transmits Mahamudra teachings that have been passed down in an unbroken line of oral transmissions from the 10th century Indian scholar-yogi Naropa. Lama Chime brings a profound understanding of how to apply this ancient wisdom to modern life in a poignant, humerous, yet vivid style.
Chime Rinpoche left Tibet at about the same time as the Dalai Lama and was one of the first reincarnate lamas to come to the West. He has lived in England since 1965 and worked for 16 years as curator of the Tibetan language Collection at the British Library in London.
Produced and edited by Micheal Wiese.
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