A passionate conversation among the best minds in transpersonal studies about the ideas of Ken Wilber, the prominent contemporary thinker whose first book,The Spectrum of Consciousness, published by Quest in 1977, launched the transpersonal psychology movement. Transpersonal thinkers taking part in this dynamic dialogue combine Eastern and Western spirituality with mainstream fields such as psychology, medicine, physics, and ecology to map the human drive toward Spirit. Contributors include best-selling authors Jack Kornfield (A Path with Heart), Joseph Goldstein (Insight Meditation), Michael Murphy (The Future of the Body), Stanislav Grof (The Holotropic Mind), and Jeanne Achterberg (Rituals of Healing). Wilber's spirited response to each probing assessment of his ideas and the authors' rebuttals give readers ringside seats at an engaging sparring match among intellectual and spiritual superstars.
- Herausgeber : QUEST BOOKS; Quest Edition (1. Februar 1998)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Taschenbuch : 413 Seiten
- ISBN-10 : 0835607666
- ISBN-13 : 978-0835607667