Although this is the second-oldest Tibetan-to-English dictionary, it still retains value. Each word is given in Tibetan script and in a transliteration system. Although Das' dictionary ransacked this dictionary for entries, it did not take everything. Thus, this remains an excellent complement to the Das dictionary.
"The very best way to go in terms of reference materials for translating Dharma is Tony Duff's Illuminator in conjunction with Erik Pema's Tibetan-English Dictionary of Buddhist Culture. I keep both of them open on my screen all the time along with (H.) Jaschke's A Tibetan English Dictionary in hardback near to hand. I don't think anyone serious about learning Tibetan would want to be without these excellent tools."--David Curtis, Executive Director, Tibetan Language Institute
"If you want to learn classical Tibetan, you can do no better than to sit down and read A Tibetan-English Dictionary by H. A. Jaschke.... I do not think that any other scholar of Tibetan has ever equalled the linguistic insight exhibited in this dictionary."--Stephan V. Beyer, The Classical Tibetan Language
700 Seiten
Fachbuchhandlung Tsongkang
Mainzer Str. 57a
66121 Saarbrücken