Hailed as a fascinating and unique book, this is the first in-depth study of its kind comparing the ancient Bon religion with the Siberian shamanic tradition of Lake Baikal. Combining scholarly research with spiritual insight and with over 200 illustrations, maps and diagrams, the information is presented in a clear and lively way, enabling the reader to navigate easily through the various topics dealt with and to follow the threads of the intricate tapestry which is woven as the parallels between the ancient shamanic traditions of Tibet and Siberia unfold. However, it goes much further than usual research in comparative religion can; while it stands up to academic scrutiny, it is written from the perspective of an insider and the author draws on his many years of experience in both Yungdrung Bon and the Bön; Murgel tradition of Buryatia to bring this subject to life and help us unlock some hidden aspects of both belief systems. Here the reader can gain insight into many aspects of these two as yet little-known traditions, such as their mythology, cosmology, rituals, and the gods and spirits which inhabit their worlds. Complex issues like the soul and the after-life are dealt with in detail, along with techniques and views of healing and magic, and concepts underlying the custom of blood sacrifice. Thorough studies of the pantheons of both belief systems reveal striking parallels not only between the deities of Bon and Bön; Murgel, but also with those of other ancient Eurasian traditions and peoples such as the Indo-Iranian Aryans and Ancient Greeks. This brings us to a larger phenomenon – an Ur-religion of Eurasia. The author fills the reader in on the history of Central and Inner Asia and its peoples, painting a historical backdrop against which the development, migration and possible overlapping of Bön; and Bön can easily be traced. The author clearly defines the different types of Bon and points out how Yungdrung Bon
Taschenbuch: 828 Seiten
Verlag: Vajra Publications; Auflage: First edition (4. August 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9937506115
ISBN-13: 978-9937506113
Verpackungsabmessungen: 21,2 x 14,2 x 3 cm
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